During these uncertain and disconcerting times, we have many things on our minds and hearts. As we watch the financial markets lurch and blunder about, we can grow anxious. 

That is especially true as we deal with small businesses, food industries, and other work directly dependent on interaction to stay afloat. The church falls into that category, as well. 

As we shift to an almost total online presence, it can seem there is nothing to give to or support, but the truth is that online presence represents a tremendous amount of ministry happening. Pastoral care is still ongoing. Youth and children’s ministry continues. Sunday morning still comes. Christian education and formation still happens. Our mission outreach still happens (and is becoming more necessary and urgent as needs around us arise). 

In other words, even though in different form, the church continues. We need you. Please help as you are able. 

Please keep in mind any and all non-profits you support that make a direct impact on the community—they need you, too. Thank you so much for all you do.

If you are a part of the Mallard Creek community or think what we do is important, you may contribute online at; you can mail in a contribution (1600 W Mallard Creek Church Rd, Charlotte NC, 28262).

Again, thank you for all you do for each other and for us!


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