Be It Resolved

Psalm 90

Be it resolved...

That as our leaders act on self-interest and self-preservation, I will act on selflessness and self-emptying....

That as fear is used as a great motivator, I will choose to follow compassion....

That as calls come to grow ever-more closed, I will choose to be ever-more open to others...

That as our world slides into ever-more tribal views, I will choose to welcome whomever is there...

That as defensiveness becomes a default position, I will choose to listen and learn...

That as religion is declared ever-more irrelevant, I will choose to find meaning in the way of Jesus...

That as the cries of minorities are drowned out or dismissed, I will choose a way of justice that lifts up those left out...

That as women call to be in control of who touches them and how, I will heed their call...

That as demands are made to satisfy all wants NOW, I will remember future generations and work to preserve the earth for them...

That as voices tell us to despair, I will still view tomorrow hopefully...

That as isolation threatens to undo us, I will seek connection to others always...

That as we hunger direction, I will simply walk the world...

That as we are told we are on our own, I will seek community and helping others as they help me...

That if we the world is to become a place of mercy, I will see that I must act, speak, and think accordingly...

These resolutions I seek to keep, with God's help, will you help me keep them?


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