Fear Not!

Fear is a prevalent and driving force in the world. We cannot escape that truth. It is the source of the political angst we endure in this country, epitomized in much of the rhetoric of this year’s election cycle. But it is also firing a global political wave as country after country follows voices assuring them that (a) their fear is justified, and (b) that there is a strong person who will save them from all they fear, if they will only give themselves over to that leader. 
And that is yet another reason to be very afraid. How many times have we witnessed a nation or nations follow some autocrat who promised salvation, but in reality sought only an empire built on the blood and lives of so many others? 
Listen to the angel.
Fear not.
Listen to that voice. There is a Savior afoot. This Savior is one to be trusted—one who can be trusted. This Savior is from God and actually IS God! This Savior is Immanuel, God with us. 
For so many of us this message could not be more timely. We desperately need good news of great joy that is for all the people. We are weary of fear. We are fearful that fear will stubbornly maintain its grip on us, however. We see no end to its power. We see no glow on the horizon indicating its fading into a new day of hope, love, and laughter. We need this message to let go of fear. We need it now. And we need it to be real, absolutely and utterly real.
Fear not.
Unto us a child is born, a son is given. All authority will rest on his shoulders, and of his reign, there will be no end. So sang Isaiah the Prophet in another moment of angst and great fear as an invading army strangled Jerusalem. He sings for us. But we have even more on which to hang hope than did Isaiah’s congregation, for we celebrate a child already born. 
Jesus is that child. 
His redemption and reclamation of the world and us within it is complete. We need only actualize it. 
And there might be a rub—but bear with it. 
The simplest and most direct means by which to actualize the presence of Christ is to be Christ for the world. Stand with someone fearful so they will know they are not alone. Listen to them. Hear their fear. Understand them. There is the power to end fear—presence, listening, and understanding. 
Why? How?
Because it is the embodiment of love that binds us together, eradicating all that would divide us. What is the root cause of so much fear? Isolation. What is the cure for isolation? Presence, listening, and understanding. These three things combine to eliminate isolation, for they prove to the lonely heart that there is another who is interested, connected, and compassionate. That creates the hope that all can be well—maybe not right now, but it will happen. 
And that is really all we need—a simple hope that we know and understand to be attainable. 
And that is indeed good news of great joy for all people.

Fear not, God is with us.


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