
Romans 16:1-7

Women and the church have had a somewhat checkered relationship. Despite the biblical witness of how integral women have been to the community of faith and as prophets, instruments of righteousness, and workers for justice in both the Old and New Testaments (too many examples to cite, in fact), the church for centuries relegated women to second-class status, and even now, not every fellowship of Christ finds a place for women to lead, work, and worship other than as servants to the men in charge.

Yet, Paul, often mentioned as one of the leading lights in the repression of women (an unfortunate use of his pastoral counsel to a troubled congregation in Corinth), he actually seemed to understand and celebrate the power, wisdom, and leadership of women in the earliest church. The conclusion to Romans serves as a great example. Simply read through the list. These were not people kept in the shadows. These were foundational pillars of the church.

We need the wit, wisdom, and wonder of women in order to fully realize the promise and potential of being a communion rooted in God.

Today, I give thanks for all the women who lead in Sacramento Presbytery as pastors, ruling elders, servants of God, teachers, caregivers, implements of change, and a light to joy.

May we all find reason to celebrate all of us, but, today, on this international recognition and remembrance of women all around us, may we take time to thank, cherish, and work with and for the women who shape our faith, lead our worship, and guide us into the Kingdom of God.


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