
Donald Trump is a Presbyterian.

This piece of startling news came from our congregation's mission team that went to Queens, NY to help with the continuing recovery from Hurricane Sandy. First Presbyterian of Jamaica cared for them and kept them during their stay. While there, the church shared some history and trivia, and at the top of the list--other than being a meeting congregation for over 350 years--was that Donald Trump--yes, The Donald--was reared in that church, confirmed by that church, and so was Presbyterian.

I nearly lost my britches with that news.

Then I recovered. God has an astounding sense of humor.

What does it mean for us loyal, dwindling Presbyterians that Donald Trump was once among us?

First--every human being is a unique act of God's creative will. God made Donald, although he often thinks the reverse. Somewhere he forgot one of the essential tenets of Presbyterian doctrine--God is sovereign. In that sovereignty, God made all that is, i.e., God is the source of all being. God made us with a glorious palette, using every color and every shade of being to bring us into existence. God made us free--free to be and to do what we will while on earth--hence, even as God made Mother Theresa and the Donald, God left them free to be whatever they chose. Both found heaven, though I doubt they would agree on exactly what that heaven is. I think their paradigms are divergent, no?

Second--God's grace knows no bounds. God did not sweep us Presbyterians into the sea as Donald pursued his ravenous hunger for wealth. In grace, God let Donald be and us be who we are. The sins of the Donald did not visit Jamaica church--they continue to preach the Word and live it in compassionate service to their city. I do not need to flee my church because somewhere Donald crossed its path.

Third--I have to beware of my predilection to cast stones. Grace means that all are lost in God's eyes. Not one of us has reason to disparage another. Oh, but we want to, but we can't. Grace is what brings us here no matter who we are. Donald remains a child of God, always and forever. I am, too. We are in this together, even if we will never acknowledge one another and our roads are perpendicular rather than parallel. I cannot judge Donald, I need to be worried about me and my walk, period. Am I living in and for God? That gives me more than enough to consider without considering anyone else.

So, Donald Trump is a Presbyterian. It takes all kinds to make the Kingdom, don't it? Thanks be to God who made us one and all.


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